A downloadable game

Here at planet earth, we disdain your fancy words like "experiment". Trial and error is how we learn, and if occult summoners perish on the way it is not our problem.

Edit: Trial and error your way to success, using the history to see what worked and what didn't. While the aim is for you to discover the rules for yourself, I struggle to balance difficulty in 48 hours so if you are truly stuck, check out the rules below.

Rule 1
Hint 1 This is the only rule which matters with only one ingredient. What other information could it be compared to?
Hint 2 The three letters in the top left are the demon's name. How do these relate to your ingredients?
Answer The first ingredient must contain the demon's name.
Rule 2
Hint 1 What is the order of ingredients around the circle?
Hint 2 Is there a different thing they could be ordered by?
Answer Going clockwise around the circle (from the top), ingredients must be in alphabetical order.
Rules 3 and 4
Hint 1 What similarities are there between your ingredients?
Hint 2 Do any ingredients not have a line directly joining them?
Answer Ingredients which are directly connected cannot start with the same letter or be in the same category.


Summoner's Apprentice.zip 94 MB

Install instructions

To install - download the zip, extract, run the exe. Usual stuff.

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